August 21, 2021
Congratulations to the students of the week for 8/16/21! 6th Grade - Makenna Poppe 7th Grade - Kincaid Valenzuela 8th Grade - Peyton Roach Thank you for your kindness and posi...
August 21, 2021
Mrs. Taylor's 6th Grade Science Class conducted a gum lab, where students measured the mass of bubble gum before and after it was chewed.
August 5, 2021
Join us Thursday, August 5th at 6:00pm in the Jr. High gym for 6th Grade Orientation! We will be going over Jr. High expectations and ways to help your child succeed.
August 5, 2021
Jr. High Meet the Teacher will be held on Monday, August 9th from 6:00pm-7:00pm. Student schedules will be handed out at this time. We look forward to seeing all of you!
July 29, 2021
Please click the link below to access school supply lists for 6th -8th grade
June 8, 2020
We would like to recognize our junior high students for their hard
work and perfect attendance throughout the school year. Since we could
not have our end-of-year recognition...
November 4, 2019
Jourdanton Junior High will host a book fair November 11th-15th. The hours that the book fair will be open are below. Thank you in advance for your support for our school! This y...
October 31, 2019
The Jr. High will be collecting canned and boxed food items from November 4-15 to be donated to CAM, one of our local food banks. We have a goal of collecting 1000 food items and...
October 22, 2019
We will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week next week October 28-November 1. Please see the calendar for daily dress up themes.
October 22, 2019
Progress Reports will go out on Wednesday, October 23rd with the students.
October 6, 2019
On Monday, Oct. 7th, we are asking staff and students to wear a blue shirt in honor of National Bully Prevention Day.
September 16, 2019
Please take a moment to review the pamphlet on bullying and conflict that was sent home with the progress report last week with your child. There is a great deal of valuable info...
September 11, 2019
Weekly Attendance for the week of 9-3 to 9-6 Congratulations to the 7th graders for having 98% attendance! They will receive cookies and capri suns on Friday! Keep up the great wo...
August 26, 2019
On September 9th, JISD will be hosting the first of six parent engagement meetings. The topic of this meeting will be events that parents can help with and how to use the distric...
August 26, 2019
There will be no school on September 2nd for the Labor Day holiday. We hope that you enjoy your 3 day weekend!
August 26, 2019
Tomorrow, August 27th, is picture day. Please have your student bring their order form and money with them if they are ordering. All students will have their picture taken regar...