What do students do when it's a STAAR testing day and they aren't testing? JHS students rotate through career and skill development sessions! We want to thank our local businesses and colleges, as well as our own trades professionals on staff for providing such great lessons and information to our students. A big thank you to Chaparral Vet Clinic - Dr. Collins and Dr. Prusky, Dennis Vyvlecka - HVAC Specialist, Palo Alto College, Coastal Bend College, Medevac - Randy Cook, Michel Klumb, Benita Muckleroy, Lucina McCarthy, and Upward Bound. Our very own amazing faculty and staff provided lessons on changing a tire - Ramon Ramirez, kitchen skills - Amie Bennett, healthy choices - Sara Gutierrez, sewing skills - Gabriella Garcia, and Texas Reality Check.
-Lorene Tullos

Career Rotations at JHS
May 5, 2022